The quantitative light imaging laboratory at UIUC develops novel label-free optical imaging techniques.
Technology Development
basic science
Clinical applications
About the PI
Gabriel Popescu
Professor inElectrical Computer Science
Gabriel Popescu is a Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his Ph.D. in Optics in 2002 from the School of Optics/ CREOL (now the College of Optics and Photonics), University of Central Florida. He continued his training with the late Michael Feld at M.I.T., working as a postdoctoral associate. He joined Illinois in August 2007 where he directs the Quantitative Light Imaging Laboratory (QLI Lab) at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. Dr. Popescu served as Associate Editor of Optics Express and Biomedical Optics Express, Editorial Board Member for Journal of Biomedical Optics and Scientific Reports. He authored two books, edited another book, authored 160 journal publications, 200 conference presentations, 32 patents, gave 200 lecture/plenary/invited talks. He founded Phi Optics, Inc., a start-up company that commercializes quantitative phase imaging technology. He is a Fellow of OSA and SPIE.