2010 News

·       12/17/10 GOOD NEWS:Zhuo Wang receives the Yuen T. Lo Outstanding Graduate Research Award for 2011.

·       12/13/10 PUBLICATION: H. Ding et al., JCNT, Vol.7, No. 12, pp 2501-2511(2010)

·       12/07/10 GOOD NEWS: Mustafa Mir passes his Qualifying Exam and deposits his masters thesis.

·       10/24/10 PUBLICATION: K. Park et al., PNAS,(2010)

·       09/07/10 GOOD NEWS: New NSF grant, MRI: Development of Spatial Light Interference Microscope

·       08/01/10 BOOK: Nanobiophotonics, Edited by G. Popescu, McGraw-Hill (2010).

·       07/24/10 PUBLICATION: H. Ding et al., Biomed. Opt. Exp.,1(1),(2010)

·       06/28/10 PRESS, Cover: Microscopy mixes it up, Advanced Imaging Magazine

·       06/22/10 GOOD NEWS: Zhuo Wang passes the Preliminary Examination

·       04/28/10 PRESS: New microscopy technique reveals mechanics of blood cell membranes

·       04/20/10 GOOD NEWS: Prof. Popescu’s new graduate course approved as permanent: “ECE 564 Modern Light Microscopy”

·       04/20/10 GOOD News: Zhuo Wang wins Bioengineering Day poster award

·       04/07/10 PUBLICATION: M. Mir et al., JBO,15(2),(2010)

·       03/30/10 PUBLICATION: Y. Park et al., PNAS (2010)

·       03/17/10 PRESS: Krannert Imag(in)ing Exhibit

·       02/19/10 PUBLICATION: Wang et. al, Opt. Lett. 35, 208, 2010 in Feb. 2010 issue of VJNST.

·       01/26/10 PUBLICATION, COVER: Y. Park et al., PNAS,107,4 (2010)

·       01/19/10 PRESS: New Optical Technology Enables Red Blood Cell Finding

·       01/15/10 PUBLICATION: Z. Wang et al., Opt. Lett. 35, 208 (2010)

·       01/13/10 PUBLICATION: H. Ding et al., Opt. Exp. 18, 1569 (2010)

·       01/04/10 PRESS: The Cell Whisperers
